
Generative AI Security

Generative AI in Government

Impact of Generative AI applications and workflows

Government agencies can  benefit significantly from harnessing the opportunities of  Generative AI to improve government services.

Leveraging Generative AI to better serve the public across a wide array of use cases, including in:

  • Healthcare
  • Transportation
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Benefit programs


Some use cases:

  • Analyze weather hazards
  • Process veteran feedback
  • Patent searc


Establishing  strong guardrails to ensure Security  of Generative AI  applications is is critical  to ensure use of AI keeps people safe and doesn’t violate their rights.

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Alert AI

Alert AI is end-to-end, Interoperable Generative AI security platform to help enhance security of Generative AI applications and workflows against potential adversaries, model vulnerabilities, privacy, copyright and legal exposures, sensitive information leaks, Intelligence and data exfiltration, infiltration at training and inference, integrity attacks in AI applications, anomalies detection and enhanced visibility in AI pipelines. forensics, audit,AI  governance in AI footprint.

Alert AI Generative AI security platform

What is at stake AI & Gen AI in Business? We are addressing exactly that.

Generative AI security solution for Healthcare, Insurance, Retail, Banking, Finance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing.

Despite the Security challenges, the promise of Generative AI is enormous.

We are committed to enhance the security of Generative AI applications and workflows in industries and enterprises to reap the benefits .

Alert AI Generative AI Security Services




ALERT AI Generative AI Security platform, AI Privacy, LLM Vulnerabilities, Adversarial Risks, GenAI security, ALERT AI


Alert AI  360 view and Detections

  • Alerts and Threat detection in AI footprint
  • LLM & Model Vulnerabilities Alerts
  • Adversarial ML  Alerts
  • Prompt, response security and Usage Alerts
  • Sensitive content detection Alerts
  • Privacy, Copyright and Legal Alerts
  • AI application Integrity Threats Detection
  • Training, Evaluation, Inference Alerts
  • AI visibility, Tracking & Lineage Analysis Alerts
  • Pipeline analytics Alerts
  • Feedback loop
  • AI Forensics
  • Compliance Reports


End-to-End GenAI Security

  • Data alerts
  • Model alerts
  • Pipeline alerts
  • Evaluation alerts
  • Training alerts
  • Inference alerts
  • Model Vulnerabilities
  • Llm vulnerabilities
  • Privacy
  • Threats
  • Resources
  • Environments
  • Governance and compliance


Enhace, Optimize, Manage Generative AI security of Business applications

  • Manage LLM, Model, Pipeline, Prompt Vulnerabilities
  • Enhance Privacy
  • Ensure integrity
  • Optimize domain-specific security guardrails
  • Discover Rogue pipelines, models, Rogue prompts
  • Block Hallucination and Misinformation attack
  • Block prompts harmful Content Generation
  • Block Prompt Injection
  • Detect robustness risks,  perturbation attacks
  • Detect output re-formatting attacks
  • Stop information disclosure attacks
  • Track to source of origin training Data
  • Detect Anomalous behaviors
  • Zero-trust LLM’s
  • Data protect GenAI applications
  • Secure access to tokenizers
  • Prompt Intelligence Loss prevention
  • Enable domain-specific policies, guardrails
  • Get Recommendations
  • Review issues
  • Forward  AI incidents to SIEM
  • Audit reports — AI Forensics
  • Findings, Sources, Posture Management.
  • Detect and Block Data leakage breaches
  • Secure access with Managed identities


Security Culture of 360 | Embracing Change.

In the shifting paradigm of Business heralded by rise of Generative AI ..

360 is culture that emphasizes security in the time of great transformation.

Our commitment to our customers is represented by our culture of 360.

Organizations need to responsibly assess and enhance the security of their AI environments development, staging, production for Generative AI applications and Workflows in Business.

Despite the Security challenges, the promise of Generative AI is enormous.

We are committed to enhance the security of Generative AI applications and workflows in industries and enterprises to reap the benefits.

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According our Customers, We make difference



We are seeking to work with exceptional people who adopt, drive change. We want to know from you to understand Generative AI in business better to secure better.
``transformation = solutions + industry minds``


Mon-Fri: 8am – 6pm




We are at the heart of Silicon valley few blocks form Cisco and other companies.

Exit I-880 and McCarthy blvd Milpitas, CA 95035