
ai generative ai pipeline risk analysis

The Paradigm of Security: Generative AI in Business

Strategies for New Risks

The Paradigm of Security: Generative AI in Business

In the shifting landscape of Business …

Generative AI is game-changing and transforming the Industries.

GenAI is the new standard of Business. A new IT Perimeter.

Organization’s Data Science is new Security Realm.

Generative AI is new attack vector endangering enterprises mired with high stake security concerns.

Mired with a host of new security risks

The new class attacks include Data leakage, Privacy violations, Sensitive

information disclosures, Copyright legal exposures, adversarial machine learning attacks.

These new risks  escape the  fences of  incumbent firewalls.

Organizations ride momentum to GenAI, for what is yet largest security risk.

Unguarded, AI attacks would lead to major Enterprise fallouts.

Bad actors stop at nothing, they strike and steal intelligence,  seize and derail operations.

It is for leaders who desire to lead with Security, foresight, and in partnership with business goals.

This article provides several Strategies for New Risks that come with  implementation of Generative AI applications.

Strategies for New Risks

The Art of augmenting Defences

Generative AI Security research Red teams continually research vulnerabilities, risks and techniques.
These resources include threat knowledge base and useful concepts.
Organizations need to responsibly assess and enhance the security of their AI environments development, staging, production
for Generative AI applications and Workflows in Business.



See through that smoke screen that  obscures Model, Data movements.

To Counter the challenges:

360 view

  • North-South

    • Command and control
    • Exfiltration
    • Infiltration
  • East-West

    • Reconnaissance
    • Lateral movement


A whole new breed of attacks on Generative AI that are coming.

The stakes are far higher.

Models and Pipelines not just a haven for attack activity but the actual means of an attack..


From Asset Discovery , Catalog to Evaluation Reports and Trained data

  • Discovery
  • Tracking
  • Lineage


  • Rogue pipelines
  • Rogue models

can perpetuate fraud or Transferred, Manipulated , Diverted, processes subverted  Training, Inference activities.

Tracking Analysis ,  Lineage Analytics

  • AI Resources
  • Pipeline Operations
  • Models, Model Versions
  • Experiments, Jobs, Runs
  • Reports & Alerts

Catalog, Data sources, data types, versions, classification, sinks, pipelines, models, evaluations, cluster, compute, subnet, infrastructure,  staging, dev, prod environments.

Trace back trained and pipeline data to single point-of-origin.


Security for AI assets

Associated Risks, Recommendations

Models, Pipelines, Datasets

Environments and Versions

Evaluation and Behavior Analytics

Severity, Explainability, Compliance scores

Recommend policies


The report on the findings,

The State of Risk Management

Collect key insights across all AI artifacts across All  Environments

Risk Analytics, including:

The top risks,

  •     Log anomalies
  •     Metric anomalies
  •     Model & LLM vulnerabilities
  •     Health status of pipelines
  •     Data quality issues
  •     and Percent changes.

By  Daily,  Weekly, Monthly by Environment.

Assign, Review Issues by keywords, filters, query, export

Best practices to improve overall Posture and Organizational AI resiliency.

Use tools like ALERT AI can help the Security Posture automation.


Generative AI & AI Alerts  include

Model behavior Analytics

AI footprint Forensics

Data Leakage Alerts, LLM pipeline Alerts, Model & LLM Alerts, Evaluation alerts,

Inference Alerts, Compute Alerts, Sensitive content Alerts, PII & PHI, Privacy and Trust Alerts.

Vulnerabilities scan alerts,   Adversarial ML & Adversarial LLM Alerts MITRE ATLAS Threat Mapping , OWASP  LLM Risks Alerts.


Alert and Threat Hunting Engine like ALERT AI can help the coverage and enhance the Security of AI use cases and Business workflows.


Using Domain specific LLM security, Domain specific guardrails  using End-to-End, Interoperable Generative AI security solutions like ALERT AI.

  • Suppression list entries
  • Removal requests
  • Redaction and Obfuscation


AI Privacy Risks

Intelligent Malware

Data Manipulation and Poisoning

Disinformation Attacks

Misuse of AI tech to spread disinformation among the public

  • Model Vulnerabilities
  • LLM Vulnerabilities
  • Model and LLM Risks
  • Privacy, Trust, Security

Class of  Vulnerabilities Categories include:

Prompt Injection



Content Generation

Output Formatting

Information Disclosure





Use AI security end-to-end , interoperable services like ALERT AI  to Integrate, Interop and Integrate with Vulnerability Scan libraries and Correlate with AI stack resources and tracking, Threat Hunting, Alerting.


Generative AI exposes

A new class of Attack Vectors.

Threat actors are exploring this opportunity to strike and steal, seize and derail Business Operations.

These new set of exposures escape Current Firewalls

Serious Generative AI Security risks

in Business  use case and workflows  are

Sensitive information disclosure

Data Privacy Violations

Copyright and Legal exposures



Compliance scores

Explainability scores

Risk scores

Forensic Analytics data and charts, visualizations

Model, Pipeline, Alerts

Model Versions vs Associated Risks

Model Versions vs Activity Log

Pipeline vs Training time Alerts

Model vs Training time, Inference time Alerts

Model Versions vs Evaluation Alerts

Model Versions vs Behavior Analytics

Alert distribution chart by category etc


Generative AI & AI Security solutions like ALERT AI can help automate the above necessary steps and provide peace of mind Security posture.


Build Security muscle – fortify prevention for security

and protection for ensure integrity.

Generative AI Model Behavior Analytics

Alert types

Including Drift, Outliers, Errors, and Latency, help in monitoring the behavior of ML & GenAI models.

Sensitivity and Specificity

Setting thresholds for Alerts requires a balance between sensitivity and specificity.

Clear procedures for alert response and escalation ensure efficient issue resolution.

Alert data

Continuously gain valuable insights for model performance improvement and any malicious activity.

Illustration of an  example in  Threat Landscape


At Alert AI, we continuously adding detections, converage updates to safeguard the threat landscape in GenAI land.







End-to-End, Interoperable Security solutions like Alert AI, can provide robust posture, protect Serious security risk in GenAI and prevent intelligence loss prevention in Business workflows and environments.

Alert AI Alert engine and Threat hunting in AI Incidents and Footprint, with Alerts, Recommendations, Feedback loop,  reduces  Organization’s overall Generative AI security risks with proactive mitigation and robust posture.

“Best way to secure AI is to start right now…”

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Understanding Moving parts of Enterprise AI environments – Turn Complexity into ClarityDetect Poison, evasion adversarial ml llm attacksGenerative AI security platform to help enhance security of Generative AI applications and workflows against potential adversaries, model vulnerabilities, privacy, copyright and legal exposures, sensitive information leaks, Intelligence and data exfiltration, infiltration at training and inference, integrity attacks in AI applications, anomalies detection and enhanced visibility in AI pipelines. forensics, audit,AI governance in AI footprint.Alert AI – Gen AI security platform and services

Alert AI

Alert AI is end-to-end, Interoperable Generative AI security platform to help enhance security of Generative AI applications and workflows against potential adversaries, model vulnerabilities, privacy, copyright and legal exposures, sensitive information leaks, Intelligence and data exfiltration, infiltration at training and inference, integrity attacks in AI applications, anomalies detection and enhanced visibility in AI pipelines. forensics, audit,AI  governance in AI footprint.

Alert AI Generative AI security platform

What is at stake AI & Gen AI in Business? We are addressing exactly that.

Generative AI security solution for Healthcare, Insurance, Retail, Banking, Finance, Life Sciences, Manufacturing.

Despite the Security challenges, the promise of Generative AI is enormous.

We are committed to enhance the security of Generative AI applications and workflows in industries and enterprises to reap the benefits .

Alert AI Generative AI Security Services




ALERT AI Generative AI Security platform, AI Privacy, LLM Vulnerabilities, Adversarial Risks, GenAI security, ALERT AI


Alert AI  360 view and Detections

  • Alerts and Threat detection in AI footprint
  • LLM & Model Vulnerabilities Alerts
  • Adversarial ML  Alerts
  • Prompt, response security and Usage Alerts
  • Sensitive content detection Alerts
  • Privacy, Copyright and Legal Alerts
  • AI application Integrity Threats Detection
  • Training, Evaluation, Inference Alerts
  • AI visibility, Tracking & Lineage Analysis Alerts
  • Pipeline analytics Alerts
  • Feedback loop
  • AI Forensics
  • Compliance Reports


End-to-End GenAI Security

  • Data alerts
  • Model alerts
  • Pipeline alerts
  • Evaluation alerts
  • Training alerts
  • Inference alerts
  • Model Vulnerabilities
  • Llm vulnerabilities
  • Privacy
  • Threats
  • Resources
  • Environments
  • Governance and compliance


Enhace, Optimize, Manage Generative AI security of Business applications

  • Manage LLM, Model, Pipeline, Prompt Vulnerabilities
  • Enhance Privacy
  • Ensure integrity
  • Optimize domain-specific security guardrails
  • Discover Rogue pipelines, models, Rogue prompts
  • Block Hallucination and Misinformation attack
  • Block prompts harmful Content Generation
  • Block Prompt Injection
  • Detect robustness risks,  perturbation attacks
  • Detect output re-formatting attacks
  • Stop information disclosure attacks
  • Track to source of origin training Data
  • Detect Anomalous behaviors
  • Zero-trust LLM’s
  • Data protect GenAI applications
  • Secure access to tokenizers
  • Prompt Intelligence Loss prevention
  • Enable domain-specific policies, guardrails
  • Get Recommendations
  • Review issues
  • Forward  AI incidents to SIEM
  • Audit reports — AI Forensics
  • Findings, Sources, Posture Management.
  • Detect and Block Data leakage breaches
  • Secure access with Managed identities


Security Culture of 360 | Embracing Change.

In the shifting paradigm of Business heralded by rise of Generative AI ..

360 is culture that emphasizes security in the time of great transformation.

Our commitment to our customers is represented by our culture of 360.

Organizations need to responsibly assess and enhance the security of their AI environments development, staging, production for Generative AI applications and Workflows in Business.

Despite the Security challenges, the promise of Generative AI is enormous.

We are committed to enhance the security of Generative AI applications and workflows in industries and enterprises to reap the benefits.

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We are seeking to work with exceptional people who adopt, drive change. We want to know from you to understand Generative AI in business better to secure better.
``transformation = solutions + industry minds``


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